As a fan of groups such as Stomp, Blast!, and Blue Man Group, I found this little short quite entertaining and I feel I should share it to my faithful reader. Give it a listen, or a watch. On the main site,, there are a few more flash animations that are worth watching.
Leaving a legacy
Once again, the weekend unfurled in an educational manner. Here are some of the things I learned.
El Paso de Robles translates to "Basement of robes"
"You know what sounds good right now? An omelette"
"Pancakes are also Bamb"
Dos Palos translates to "Two steaming piles of shit"
I am disgusting
A monkey is arguably the best pet to have, ever
Kevan Barlow's nickname is "Un Palo"
"Someone shit on the coats"
Someone actually shit on the toilet seat
Having to say "Oh Yeah!" like Kool-Aid after you take a drink will get you drunk faster because it's fun to say
Good, good time at Cayucos.
Roger Dorn
Today, I found an activity that I quite enjoy and it involves going to the dentist. The visit to the dentist is neither the high nor the low point, it just happens to be the medium that gets me to where I can enjoy one of the smaller things in life. I enjoy eating breakfast after the dentist cleans my teeth. Remember when you were a child and you had to wait for hours to eat? Not anymore. There were no warnings from the dental hygienist. I probably could have gone swimming too. I'm sure it has to do with not getting a Fluoride treatment, but I don't care. Eating with extremely clean teeth is almost just as good as putting on a pair of socks for the first time. It's uncharted territory; Something that hasn't happened in quite some time because Mom stopped buying your clothes.
Another thing I noticed while at the dentist; I have never dated a girl that is left-handed. Sure, I've been rumored to have been, but that's not going to cut it. First, I'd like to implore all my ex-girlfriends, that randomly stumble onto this site, to leave a comment stating if they were, in fact, left-handed. Second, any other lovely ladies, that randomly stumble onto this site, are welcomed to enter to win the opportunity to go on a date* with me. All that is needed is proof that you are left-handed, leaving a comment with a link to a pic of you doing something left-handed, perfectly OK. Be creative, be yourself, and most importantly, be attractive. Please keep entries to fewer than 30 words as I have other sites to visit on the internet.
Now you may wonder, my one faithful reader, why this entry is titled after the character that gave the greatest TV voice-over of all time, but there is no reference to baseball. Well let me spell it out for you. Who played the nipple rubbing, "Buffalo Bill" rip off from Little Nicky? That's right, Clint Howard. But he was also in the 1998 horror classic, The Dentist II, starring Roger Dorn.
*I am not going to buy anything or provide transportation on the "date."
I believe I was in Luis' car, see previous post for file photo, when this song came on the radio. And more likely, we were on the way to get lunch. At that point, I thought of another name to be added to the list: LaSagna
Mana Rag
During the usual 30 minute lunch break from work, which usually ends up being over an hour, we found that one local movie theater is showing classic films from the 80's. The poster advertising the event had pictures of the movies playing; Goonies, Top Gun, and Scarface. We happened to notice that one of the guys we work with happened to resemble Al Pacino from the movie poster. Now, this is nothing new, just look at the picture of my roommate Luis that is readily available on the internet. After some comments about Photoshop and superimposing, we thought it would be funny to see if there were any anagrams we could make to help our comedic impulse. Finding that a short and humorless event, I entered my name. Here is the one that stuck out the most:
Santa tried a porn
Of course if I'm feeling a little evil, you could substitute Satan for Santa. And something for my Italian heritage:
Or pasta at dinner
And if I was Jewish:
Dr. Ron Atapastein
The link where all this was possible, if you, my faithful reader, want to burn some time and try to find a name better than mine.
Things that make you go hmm
So I am spending a majority of my morning at work looking for a good Halloween costume when I come across the costume category of "Mascots" from one site. There is an eagle, a puma, and quite a few bunnies shown before I get to the Gorilla costume. And I think, "What kind of idiot would choose a gorilla for a team mascot?" Immediately I am reminded of the Phoenix Suns mascot, Go Gorilla. My mind then shifts to Charles Barkley, who played for the Suns. Is this some kind of PR joke trying to say Charles Barkley is a gorilla? Or is someone merely so racist that they would create a mascot for a team where a majority of the players are black? Is Phoenix in the Confederate South? What did Danny Ainge think of this? Is this why noone watches the NBA? Were the members of the Utah Jazz afraid to travel to Phoenix to play the Suns because of the gorilla? Why does Vlade Divac always end up on his back? These may be questions that will never and probably should never be answered.
Dime store education
Things I learned this past weekend:
New Mexico does not observe Daylight Savings Time.
Calling a HB toss left is much better than HB dive.
Watching that Running Back wait for the hole is much more exciting than one running into his offensive line.
The Spanish word for Banjo is Banos.
The Spanish word for Nipples is Nopales.
The GoldRush are very easy on the eyes.
The Carl's Jr. commercials about making a hamburger for $12 are true.
My profile is the first listing of a google search for "abone random thoughts".
My blog is #10 on the same search. (10 has been the preferred number worn during sports, coincidence?)
A search for "random thoughts" did not yield any results for me within the first 30 pages, so I contemplated changing the title of the blog. Here is a short list of possible changes:
Arbitrary Musings
Fluky Meditation
Fortuitous Cognitions
Let me know if you are partial to any of these or for any other you would care to add, check
How do you like me now?
All season I had to listen to Moody and Hey Russ talk about whose team is better. Now after the first day of the playoffs, let's compare. First, lets take the Cardinals. Sure, they knocked out Peavey in the 5th, but managed only 2 hits after that. Plus, it took an eyes closed, swing out of his ass from Sanders to secure the win as the Cardinals bullpen by committee gave up 5 runs. As for Carpenter, he only struck out 3. Peavey struck out 3 in 1.2 fewer innings, not very Cy Young Award numbers. And most importantly, So Taguchi was reduced to a Defensive Substitution in the 8th and then got taken out in a double switch 2 outs later. How am I supposed to love baseball cause it's So Taguchi, if he's only out there for 20 minutes?
Let's compare the White Sox now. They too sent the opposing pitcher, Clement, to the showers early, but one inning sooner than the Cardinals. The Sox hit 5 homeruns in the game, 2 by Pierzynski alone. The bullpen looked at a stress free outing, allowing only 1 hit in 1.1 innings. The Sox did manage to leave 9 runners on base, compared to the Cardinals 7, not very small ball efficient. To cap it off, they managed 6 more runs, on 1 more hit, with the same number of at-bats as the Cardinals.
Most importantly, 12,000 more people attended the Cardinals game, at 12 noon. This left the businesses of St. Louis unattended and crippling the economy. At least the citizens of Chicago waited until 3 pm to leave work.
Now this information was gathered by an impartial 3rd party, me. And as we all know, I am a Dodgers fan. You won't catch me saying I'm a Dodgers fan, go away to college, denounce my team, and come back rooting for a team that has formed quite a bandwagon. I bleed Dodger Blue and have been since 1978. So I will enjoy the playoffs, mainly because I love watching baseball, and I will wait until April 2006 for the Dodgers to get my hopes up. I know this will happen, because as my dad so eloquently stated, "LA stands for Losers Again."