Thursday, October 20, 2005

Roger Dorn

Today, I found an activity that I quite enjoy and it involves going to the dentist. The visit to the dentist is neither the high nor the low point, it just happens to be the medium that gets me to where I can enjoy one of the smaller things in life. I enjoy eating breakfast after the dentist cleans my teeth. Remember when you were a child and you had to wait for hours to eat? Not anymore. There were no warnings from the dental hygienist. I probably could have gone swimming too. I'm sure it has to do with not getting a Fluoride treatment, but I don't care. Eating with extremely clean teeth is almost just as good as putting on a pair of socks for the first time. It's uncharted territory; Something that hasn't happened in quite some time because Mom stopped buying your clothes.

Another thing I noticed while at the dentist; I have never dated a girl that is left-handed. Sure, I've been rumored to have been, but that's not going to cut it. First, I'd like to implore all my ex-girlfriends, that randomly stumble onto this site, to leave a comment stating if they were, in fact, left-handed. Second, any other lovely ladies, that randomly stumble onto this site, are welcomed to enter to win the opportunity to go on a date* with me. All that is needed is proof that you are left-handed, leaving a comment with a link to a pic of you doing something left-handed, perfectly OK. Be creative, be yourself, and most importantly, be attractive. Please keep entries to fewer than 30 words as I have other sites to visit on the internet.

Now you may wonder, my one faithful reader, why this entry is titled after the character that gave the greatest TV voice-over of all time, but there is no reference to baseball. Well let me spell it out for you. Who played the nipple rubbing, "Buffalo Bill" rip off from
Little Nicky? That's right, Clint Howard. But he was also in the 1998 horror classic, The Dentist II, starring Roger Dorn.

*I am not going to buy anything or provide transportation on the "date."


At Friday, October 21, 2005 1:57:00 PM, Blogger mramey said...

Is that the ad you're putting in the paper? Definitely rates as "most creative".

Gotta ask- is there a particular skill that left handed girls have that us right handers are lacking?

Or is it just some sort of left handed dentist fetish.


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