Sunday, November 13, 2005

Picture this

It's been a while since you ate and you're hungry. You decide to head over to the local buffet. While at the buffet, you weigh your options, look around and notice that the best thing is the rice pilaf. So without haste, you load your plate full of rice pilaf. Now, mind you, there are many other options at the buffet, but you made your mind up and went with the rice pilaf. As you sit down at your table, you start eating and much to your chagrin, the rice pilaf is horrible. So you head back to the buffett line and notice that right next to the rice pilaf is mac and cheese. But the mac and cheese is jealous that you chose the rice pilaf first. So do you get to enjoy mac and cheese? No. And you already decided that eating the rice pilaf was not worth your time. So what happens, you ask. There are two options. One, you can visit another buffet. Or two, you can opt for the beef stroganoff.


At Monday, November 14, 2005 1:48:00 PM, Blogger mramey said...

Go back to the buffet in disguise so the mac and cheese won't know it's you.

At Monday, November 14, 2005 2:25:00 PM, Blogger abone said...

A valiant effort, but i'm not one that's easily disguised. The mac and cheese is always going to know.


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