Monday, July 25, 2005

What was that?

So I was out listening... What? Oh, sorry Goose. We were out listening to one of my favorite bands at the park tonight, 40 Watt Hype. We were enjoying the music and commenting on the people walking by when this young man happened to be strolling by. I would usually not make note of this except that he, when directly in front of us, started flexing and showing off his traps. Much like Hulk Hogan would do. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, he looked like Chris Burke. Now you might think this would top all, but the guy in the pink shirt that was sitting behind us had to take note that viewing this stopped us from commenting on the others at the venue. Guess it's because you don't get the opportunity to see a celebrity every day.

Friday, July 22, 2005

The list

It has been brought to my atttention that another one of my vocabulary creations has become a part of the local vernacular. I am referring to my Joe Rogan list. When I find something or someone that annoys me, they are added to the list. And as noted by the name, you can tell that Joe Rogan is the person I despise the most. Just look how smug he looks in the picture. Others on this list include: Harold Reynolds and Jim Rome, just to name two. The list is actually quite extensive and people are frequently added and dropped from the list, only because I can't remember all the names. Note that these three are the basis from which all others are judged and added to the list. Think of the old food pyramid with Joe Rogan representing the Fats, Oils, and Sweets, and the other more tollerable members of the list on the bottom.

Now, the process in which you use noun as a verb is interesting. I quite like this process. Like onomatopoeia, just a fun word to say, grammar can be fun. When you add something to your own Joe Rogan list, the Smart and Final kid list for Hey Russ, the action of adding it to the list then becomes a verb and the ability to get Joe Roganed was created.

Have fun with this new knowledge. Go out, get annoyed, create your own list, and start Joe Roganing.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Civil War sideburns

As you may see, I removed the outdated picture from my profile. Recently I cut my hair and grew a beard. And as of Monday, I trimmed the beard in a Victorian manner. Because of the look, I am now know as Sir Willups Brightslymoore III at work. Now, I am unsure to the exact name of this beard style. I believe it is either Mutton Chops, or the Burnside. I'm just curious. So if anyone know the acutal name of this style, it is greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Just got back to my desk to get some work done.


Friday, July 15, 2005

By popular demand

You can thank my faithful reader for the expedited post. I usually wait for some random though to enter my mind. And believe me, I have had quite a few of them today. As you can see, there is no real rhyme or reason to this blog. As the title states, these are random thoughts. Today I have thought of eating lunch, which I did. Thought about getting a fan for my desk, which I did; and is located in such a way that my internal body temperature is a cool 98.5 degrees Fahrenheit, which happens to be 36.944444 degrees Celsius for my non-American and scientifice readers. Actually disregard that conversion. Anyone that would be interested in the Celsius temperature would probably be doing actual sceintific work and not have time to read this, or they might be working at a bank, those clocks always tell the Celsius temperature. Take the one down the street for example. It probably shows 40 degrees Celsius, 104 degrees Fahrenheit, but I guess it only feels like 39 degrees Celsius, 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Thanks Thought about disposing of hazardous waste on the internet, which I can do thanks to T & M Hazardous Waste Management LLC. Thought about getting work done, which I did after an hour long conference call with my bosses because I accidentally forgot to put the cover letter on the T.P.S. report. Thought about why you have to put the word "an" infront of a word that starts with a consonant but sounds like a vowel, which I did in the previous sentence. Thought about how much fun I am going to have tonight when I get out of work, which I will have. I called Loomis Simmons at 1-800-Loomis-Simmons-can-see-the-future, stopping after the first seven letters of course. And he told me that I will have a non-stop hullabaloo this evening. That's pretty much all I though of today. See there wasn't really anything worth documenting for my faithful reader, but when the public demands more, you have to answer the call, step up to the plate, knock a swinging bunt down the third base line, leg it out, tumble and fall down after you reach first, refuse to dust yourself off as you glance towards home watching Willie Mays Hayes sprint towards the plate, only to slide in, forgetting his American Express card, even though he is at the Olympics and they only take Visa, like a foreign exchange student coming to America with Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall, pumping their fist in the air, like Kirk Gibson in game 1 of the 1988 world series, where Johnny Chan flopped the nut straight and had the patience to wait him out. One other thing I thought about, I know way too much about movies.

Monday, July 11, 2005

The interview

Here is how Bobby Abreu's interview with Sam Ryan should have gone.

Sam Ryan: "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah?"

Bobby Abreu: "Baseball has been bery, bery good to me."

Sunday, July 03, 2005


Why do people insist on converting the American flag into an article of clothing? That has the be the most un-patriotic act I can think of. The flag is a symbol of freedom and life for Americans, it should not be draped around those girls in the bar like towel. I don't care. That is disrespectful. And while I'm on the subject, New York needs to get over 9-11. I'm sick of watching a baseball game on tv and having to hear "God Bless America" during the 7th inning stretch. Go with tradition. Sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" like every other city does. You aren't special. Who cares if some fireman can sing like an operatic tenor? Not me. I'm sick of it. Stop living in the past and respect the now. Not really sure what that means, but I'm sticking by it.