Thursday, July 21, 2005

Civil War sideburns

As you may see, I removed the outdated picture from my profile. Recently I cut my hair and grew a beard. And as of Monday, I trimmed the beard in a Victorian manner. Because of the look, I am now know as Sir Willups Brightslymoore III at work. Now, I am unsure to the exact name of this beard style. I believe it is either Mutton Chops, or the Burnside. I'm just curious. So if anyone know the acutal name of this style, it is greatly appreciated.


At Thursday, July 21, 2005 9:40:00 PM, Blogger E-Rock said...

Your Burnside link isn't working...

But mutton looks good on you though!

At Friday, July 22, 2005 9:50:00 AM, Blogger abone said...

What are you talking about? Works fine for me. haha


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