Friday, July 15, 2005

By popular demand

You can thank my faithful reader for the expedited post. I usually wait for some random though to enter my mind. And believe me, I have had quite a few of them today. As you can see, there is no real rhyme or reason to this blog. As the title states, these are random thoughts. Today I have thought of eating lunch, which I did. Thought about getting a fan for my desk, which I did; and is located in such a way that my internal body temperature is a cool 98.5 degrees Fahrenheit, which happens to be 36.944444 degrees Celsius for my non-American and scientifice readers. Actually disregard that conversion. Anyone that would be interested in the Celsius temperature would probably be doing actual sceintific work and not have time to read this, or they might be working at a bank, those clocks always tell the Celsius temperature. Take the one down the street for example. It probably shows 40 degrees Celsius, 104 degrees Fahrenheit, but I guess it only feels like 39 degrees Celsius, 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Thanks Thought about disposing of hazardous waste on the internet, which I can do thanks to T & M Hazardous Waste Management LLC. Thought about getting work done, which I did after an hour long conference call with my bosses because I accidentally forgot to put the cover letter on the T.P.S. report. Thought about why you have to put the word "an" infront of a word that starts with a consonant but sounds like a vowel, which I did in the previous sentence. Thought about how much fun I am going to have tonight when I get out of work, which I will have. I called Loomis Simmons at 1-800-Loomis-Simmons-can-see-the-future, stopping after the first seven letters of course. And he told me that I will have a non-stop hullabaloo this evening. That's pretty much all I though of today. See there wasn't really anything worth documenting for my faithful reader, but when the public demands more, you have to answer the call, step up to the plate, knock a swinging bunt down the third base line, leg it out, tumble and fall down after you reach first, refuse to dust yourself off as you glance towards home watching Willie Mays Hayes sprint towards the plate, only to slide in, forgetting his American Express card, even though he is at the Olympics and they only take Visa, like a foreign exchange student coming to America with Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall, pumping their fist in the air, like Kirk Gibson in game 1 of the 1988 world series, where Johnny Chan flopped the nut straight and had the patience to wait him out. One other thing I thought about, I know way too much about movies.


At Tuesday, July 19, 2005 3:41:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Critically acclaimed blogger, Abone, takes us on another roller coaster of a blog! Hear what some critics exclaim:

"Brilliant, a literary masterpiece" Anonymous

"Riveting, thoughts of an everyday working American.(used an correctly)" Anonymous

"Always wanted to know what to do with that pesky hazardous waste, Thanks" Anonymous


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