Inner peace
Today, 6/28, I found a blog by Tibby Weston. Because I couldn't make a comment on the post, I decided to help my faithful reader find inner peace as well. I started to read the next post, but my mind wandered. Feel free to read anything on this blog, but start with the post titled, "INNER PEACE ANYONE? (CHANGE OF PACE...)."
To add to the post, I feel it is necessary to educate everyone of the mantra. I noticed that most of these blogs are written in languages other than English. Because of this, the mantra today will be listed in Spanish.
manejelo puta!
If I ever learn how to translate the mantra into other languages, I'll educate the other bloggers.
A little football
I heard a great quote from Mitch Hedberg. I don't know who he is and I haven't even googled him, but this is funny. "Foosball fucked up my perception of soccer. I thought you had to kick the ball and then spin 'round and 'round. I can't do a back flip, much less several... simultaneously, with two other guys." The showdown has begun. It's really not much of a showdown as it is me claiming I can kick a 45 yard field goal. Well, last weekend I was drunk enough to get goaded into putting up or shutting up if you will. I believe this Saturday we, Moodswing and I, and anyone else that would like to bear witness, will be kicking field goals. The best part is the bet was made that I get attempts from 35 and 40 yards. Since I am certain I can kick a 45 yarder, the other two kicks are mere chip shots. I will post the results later this week. Unless I don't make it, then I'll probably just delete this entry.
Increase your vocabulary
You ever click that "NEXT BLOG >>>" button? I'm glad I did today. I found a blog named "Rate My Whale Tail." Which turned out to be just another attempt to get some 16 year old boy to view 10,000 naked celebrity galleries. Now, I didn't click on the link, but I had to find out what a whale tail was. I passed up the obvious google search for the only site with all the slang definitions, I have been able to greatly increase my urban vernacular with the help of this site. Oh. For those of you curious about the Whale Tail, follow the link. Which makes me think, what other names do you, my faithful reader, have for this phenomenon?
I attended my sister's graduation ceremony this past weekend. It was nice, just had to wake up too early to be there by 6 am. Congratulations to the Goose.
Cha, cha, cha, changes
I really need to get back to writing html so I can make this blog easier on the eyes. I do enjoy the 'rounders 3' by Douglas Bowman, but if I create my own template I'm sure I'll get the chicks. I did manage to change a few of the internal settings. I hope it does not deter my one faithful reader from frequently visiting this site. A prize to the person that notices the one main change made.
Position change
I was escorted into a conference room and spoke to the director of operations at work. A little scary, but he assured me that it was all good. You know what I mean. Oh! As of today, I am the Reports and Scheduling Manager at work. I trained with the guy that currently holds that position and the first thing I learned is that I can take two, maybe three lunches throughout the day.
Making baby Jesus cry
We found some Pop Rocks today. They must've been pretty old because they were all rock and no pop.